“CX” may sound like a marketing buzzword, but it’s much more than that! CX, or customer experience, plays a major role in increasing customer satisfaction, building brand loyalty, and ultimately driving business growth.

In this article, we’ll start by looking at what CX is and why it’s so important. Then we’ll dive into five tips for improving your CX!

What Is Customer Experience?

CX refers to the entirety of the customer’s perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about their interactions with your business and services throughout every stage of the customer journey. Whether they’re seeing your ad, purchasing a product, visiting your website, or getting help from customer service, every interaction contributes to the customer experience—for better or for worse.

Why Does CX Matter?

With so many options nowadays, customers don’t only look at your product. They want an excellent experience, too! This is even more true if you sell convenience products or services. Customers are discerning and will quickly switch to a competitor if they have even one bad experience.

Data shows that brands that excel in CX increase revenue more compared to brands that don’t. Investing in CX is a win-win situation!

Tips for Improving Your CX:

It’s important to know that improving your CX is an ongoing process! As you go, keep these tips in mind.

Tip 1: Have the right mindset.

CX is all about putting the customer first. When you’re making business decisions, how the customer will experience the effects of those decisions should be top of mind. Your whole team needs to have a CX-oriented mindset for maximum success.

Tip 2: Know your customers.

If you don’t know your customers well, how are you going to make them happy? Creating buyer personas for your business is a great way to get started with this. Make sure you understand who your customers are, what they want, what their pain points are, and what they expect from you.

Tip 3: Measure and evaluate.

It’s important to measure CX in your organization, compare your CX to competitors’, and find areas where you can improve. You might look at metrics like your customer satisfaction score, customer churn rate, and customer lifetime value.

Tip 4: Start with the basics.

If customers are unhappy with your basic products or services, no amount of beautiful packaging or other frills will make a difference. So, first focus on the basic requirements of good business and customer service—things like making sure your product or service is delivered in a timely manner, that it fulfills expectations, and that it’s consistent.

Tip 5: Build on what you have.

After your basics are solid, look for ways to make it easier for your customers to interact with your business and products or services. Finally, see how you can add pleasure, joy, or fun to your customer experience!

Get Started Today:

Working from the ground up, you’ll be able to improve your CX and boost your customer relationships. This is how you build a devoted fanbase of customers who will keep coming back and eventually bring new customers to your business.

If you need help improving your CX, 2XM is here! Contact us for a FREE 60 minute consultation today.