The Key to Effective Brand Communication

Companies that communicate effectively will experience higher levels of success than their competitors. Whether it is explaining the value of your product or service to a client or training new skills or procedures to employees, leaders must constantly engage in effective communications in order to achieve desired outcomes. Despite the importance of communication efforts, oftentimes organizations fail to understand the true cost of failing to cover this important area of business operations. Consider just a couple of examples. According to a study reported in 2019 completed by Dynamic Signal, “80 percent of the U.S. workforce reports feeling stressed because of [...]


Harnessing the Power of the Digital Frontier With Search Engine Optimization

The use of the digital landscape is no longer just a component of our workplace.  For most organizations, it has BECOME our workplace.  It is where we organize, advertise, meet, collaborate, sell, store and exchange our products and services.  Given the realities of the covid-19 pandemic, most of our organizations would not survive without the wide use of technology, most of which has only been in existence for a relatively short time.  Now, every organization has the ability to put up a “storefront”, “marketplace”, “forum”, or other communications platform within a matter of hours and be immediately operational.While these advances are [...]


Assessing Organizational Needs To Identify A Path Forward Through Uncertain Times

No doubt, these have been challenging times for all.  The shifting landscape of the way organizations operate and how they relate with their stakeholders combined with the uncertainty of when things might again return, “to normal” creates difficulties when planning. There is a tool that organizations of all types can utilize to help assess where they stand and how to plan a path forward.  This tool is known as a “S.W.O.T. analysis”.  The name “S.W.O.T.” as an acronym for the areas that an organization reviews in a focused assessment:  strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. WHY COMPLETE A S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS? S.W.O.T. [...]


Why Contract a Business Development Company?

If you’re a small or medium sized business, you may be considering bringing in outside help to achieve that next level of success. If you don’t have the budget to have a full-time marketing department, you should think about hiring a consultant. Marketing and business developments bring expertise, innovative ideas, copywriters, designers, programmers and everything you need to get the word out about your business. Here at 2X Momentum, when we’re working with new clients, we get to the core of their goals, budget and desired level of involvement. Some clients want to hand everything off and have us execute the [...]


3 Steps for Building a Better Website

If you are building a new website or refreshing an existing one, there are a few simple steps that you should take before the project begins. Step 1: Pick 5 Websites You Love and 3 You Hate Having a clear visual of what you want your site to have and not have is critical when working with designers and developers. Even the best of us have a hard time explaining what we want. Take screenshots and save the URLs of your favorite and least favorite sites and have a brief description of what it is about each that you want to [...]


Print Solutions for Any Skill Level

When you need printed materials for your business, there are lots of options and we're going to review one of them for you today. In the last month 2XM developed several Direct Mail and other printed materials for our clients. The timeline was short, the budget was small and our traditional design and print solutions couldn't move that fast or on that budget. So we went to the internet to find online printing solutions that would fit all of our criteria. We hadn't used Vistaprint before, but we're blown away at the tools, turnaround time, price quote and support by the online printer. [...]


Better Marketing In 15 Minutes

When friends ask us what we do at 2X Momentum, it's difficult to summarize. From securing ads on Metro buses to crafting engagement content to building websites, there's a lot of ground to cover. And the same is true when it comes to marketing strategies for business. So when we saw a book that claimed to explain marketing in less than 1,000 words, we were skeptical. After reading it, we should make it mandatory reading for all our clients! It's called Marketing In Less Than 1000 Words by Rob Burns. Now, you aren't going to have any breakthrough epiphanies, but you will think [...]


Free Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

It's tough to get marketing professionals to share their sources and resources. But there are a few out there that have put together some useful lists that marketers and business owners can use to improve or track their marketing channels. On there's a great e-book (26 pages) that lists a ton of great free resources you can put to work right away. It's called 99+ Best Free Internet Marketing Tools and Resources to Boost Your Online Marketing Efforts and it was written by Uday Shankar Byri. There are links to every tool discussed and the short description provided is very helpful so [...]

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