About Cesca Raceles

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So far Cesca Raceles has created 3 blog entries.

6 Tips for Social Media Accessibility

Accessibility often gets overlooked; sometimes, we don’t realize we’re not up to standard until someone points it out!To avoid this situation, it’s important to proactively consider accessibility basics. While every aspect of your business should be accessible, one area where you can make immediate improvements is social media. Let’s dive into what accessibility means, why it’s important, and how you can integrate it into your social media plan! What is Accessibility?According to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, “Accessible means a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same [...]


How to Create Your Brand Style Guide

All memorable brands have at least one thing in common: consistency.Think of Coke, Apple, FedEx, or any other brand that’s recognizable at a glance. These brands use the same colors, fonts, and general look in all of their marketing assets. They maintain a consistent tone and voice across all their messaging. You always know what to expect from them, because they maintain a cohesive and consistent brand style.How do they pull this off? Well, one essential tool for a consistent brand style is the brand style guide! What is a Brand Style Guide?A brand style guide is a document that clearly [...]


Creating Your Customer Journey Map

These days, it’s rare for a single ad to drive a sale. Today’s customers want a connection with your brand, not just your product, and they typically need a number of positive interactions with a company before they’ll make one purchase. This is all part of the “customer journey,”—a customer’s overall experience with a brand from first contact to purchase.Improving your customer journey is essential for increasing conversions. But you can’t improve your customer journey if you don’t fully understand it! That’s where a customer journey map comes in. Read on to learn what a customer journey map is, why it’s [...]

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