Instead of directly promoting your product, content marketing uses blog posts, podcasts, videos, and other forms of content to establish your business as a top option in your audience’s mind. With a strong content strategy, you can win your audience over before they even have a need for your product!

If you want to step up your content marketing game, it’s important to stay on top of the trends. Here are four trends you might want to experiment with as you perfect your content marketing strategy:

·      Short-form video

·      Long-form content

·      AI content assistance

·      Content creators

Trend 1: Short-Form Video

Social media algorithms now prioritize video content due to its popularity, and short videos are the best way to get seen! Anything under 90 seconds is generally considered short-form, but even 15 or 30 seconds is plenty. It’s easier to engage an audience for a shorter amount of time.

When creating short videos, keep it interesting with a lightly controversial question or a build up to a reveal. For example, a pizza shop could ask “Does pineapple belong on pizza?” while a salon could show a customer before, during, and after their haircut.

Some businesses like to create videos specifically for paid ads, while others just see which videos perform well organically and then boost their best-performing content. As you experiment, keep a close eye on your social media metrics.

Trend 2: Long-Form Content

People are still reading long-form content like blogs or ebooks and watching long-form videos like webinars and lives. Podcasts have also continued to rise in popularity these last few years. Long-form content tends to get more backlinks as people point to these sources of information when telling others about a topic.

How you use long-form content will vary based on your business. If you’re a B2B business, you might use LinkedIn Live to host professional conversations and webinars. If you’re a life coach, you might run a podcast. If you’re a restaurant, you might post cooking videos. Get creative and see what works for you!

Trend 3: AI Content Assistance

AI is everywhere lately. Many companies are using AI to help with content, whether it’s getting blog post ideas, writing a rough draft, or improving SEO. AI tools can help with so many aspects of content marketing, but it’s essential to always check anything AI-generated for accuracy and for alignment with your business. Think of AI as a helper that you have to carefully supervise!

Not sure where to start with all the new tools? Take a peek at our list of best AI marketing tools to try today.

Trend 4: Content Creators

Brands are hiring content creators more and more frequently. Creators post about your product on their own social media feeds as a way of getting your business in front of new eyes. Many people trust and engage with creator content more than brand content, so this is a really solid method of winning over a new audience.  

That being said, it’s important to hire a content creator whose social following matches your target audience! An effective creator will also be up-to-date with social media trends and understand how to use them to a business’s advantage.

One place you can connect with creators is Instagram’s creator marketplace.

Get Help with Your Content Creation Strategy

Content marketing can entertain, educate, and engage your audience. It can show your business’s authority in your field and establish your business in new markets. Content marketing is truly invaluable!

Not sure which content marketing methods might work best for your business? 2XM is here to help! We’ll create a custom content strategy that helps you reach your unique business goals. Contact us for a FREE 60 minute consultation today.